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Just I.M.A.G.I.N.E

Just a light, easy, breezy question to end your day… how do you live your life? 


No, no, no, don’t go that deep. 


How about this instead - how do you move through your life? 


Are you a planner? Having your days scheduled to the minute? 


Do you go with the flow? Never knowing where the day will take you? 


Do your plan your weeks and then let your weekends run wild? 


There’s no right answer here, just exploring your process. 


Me, like most things in my life, I’m a little bit of it all. 


I plan my calendar, organizing anything I possibly can, while knowing full well that I’ll throw the whole damn plan out the window if need be. 


I’m not sure why I do this. Maybe because planning gives me some resemblance of control and tossing the plan sets me free. 


This summer, however, I had to completely reorganize my work/life schedule to adjust for what I knew, in my heart, what was the best choice. 


You see, my kiddos have been struggling at school. And after some reflection, I felt that this was caused by many reasons, unable to pinpoint just one. But what I did know, is that they could use a little break. So instead of going to camp 5 days a week, they've been staying home with me and going only 3.


It’s been great for them. They love being home, do not appear as overwhelmed, and are simply enjoying the slower pace. 


Me, I’m loving our time together, while also struggling with it. Because my todo list didn’t get any smaller to accommodate this shift. It’s been wonderful, stressful, overwhelming, and forced me to let something fall, which has been my involvement with my business. 


Regardless, I still know, it was the right choice. 


Even though every day, I feel like I’m not doing enough. 


Not giving enough to them. 


Not u giving enough to you. 


Not living up to my potential. 


And though I know this moment will pass, the stress is present and real. 


Yesterday, in class, I talked about how stress is inevitable in everyone’s life. And how we move through these stressful events has more to do with our perceptions of this stress than the actual events themselves.


I also shared how after being in this business for over a decade, I just now learned about the word “eustress,” which means beneficial stress, compared to “distress,” which means painful stress. 


Same stress, same situation, different interpretation, which creates a different outcome. 


So today, I made the commitment to not allow this moment of time to become distressing but instead to give the stress the freedom to transform into something beneficial… because it is. 


Instead of looking at my lack of productivity at work, I will gaze upon the "productive" connections I’m making with my guys. 


I’ll plan, organize, and control what I can, while I release the reins, lift my feet, and flow with what I can’t. 


And in August, when our schedules normalize, I’ll shift again. 


Because I’m Fricking excited to tell you about what I’ve created. The health and wellness workbook I’ve been tinkering with for the last couple of years is about done, it's just in need of some final edits. 


And not to toot my own horn, but it's good... DAMN good! (toot, toot)


It will steer you (and me) through the places we can control and navigate around the places we can’t. It’s our I.M.A.G.I.N.E.action™ plan. An action plan that will guide us towards the life we’ve always imagined. A plan to transform our intentions into realities. 


Be on the lookout for more information. 


Rest in your Radiance,

Nicole Starr


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